Thursday, May 5, 2011

Change comes from vision and understanding

"What has turned out to be a very important aspect of this whole effort though is what I learn from the children and youth. They have a tremendous capacity to be active participants and leaders in the real issues of our lives.

Water, healthy water, is critical to the existence of life. They get it! Given opportunities, tools and resources, they empower themselves and all of us to find our voices – to tell others what is going on and how they can help; they empower themselves to act and to involve others in those actions.

Yesterday, at our table at the Earth Day Festival, as I watched and listened to them talk with the public about protecting our water and inviting them to help plant the newest wet meadow area, I was awed and humbled by their understanding and commitment.

I have renewed faith that we can return health to our waterways, that we can rebuild our lives to a sustainable level. "

(from Jeannine's remarks to Ann Arbor City Council, May 2, 2011.)

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