Friday, April 15, 2016

Tickle bees at Buhr - April 2016

Tickle bees are emerging at Buhr Park thgis weekend. Look in sandy places for holes (about pencil-diameter) and mounds of soil. The stingless male bees may be buzzing around about 8 -12 inches above the ground.
  These are ground-nesting bees of genus Andrena or genus Colletes. The eggs hatch in early Spring, and the new adults dig their way to the surface. The males fly around looking for partners. They eat nectar from violets and other plants that bloom very early. They are a sure sign that Spring is here.

Monday, April 4, 2016

2016 Burn was successful on Tuesday, April 5

Due to weather conditions, the was re-scheduled to Tuesday, April 5.The weather was sunny and cool. A breeze helped the smoke lift and disperse.

Many children, parents and neighbors helped with seed collection and dispersal. All watched the burn from a safe distance.

As usual, we spent time explaining why the wet meadows are important and why controlled burning helps the native plants.