Monday, June 22, 2009

Pollinator event was bee-utiful

Our June 20 pollinator event was a lot of fun.

We had a good turnout of adults and kids, a mix of long-time Wet Meadow folks and some new friends.

Dr. Tuell brought a display case with specimens of about 100 bees native to Michigan.

She also brought a bee-vac, a re-built DustBuster that safely captures bees and puts them in small vials (about 1' x 3") so they can be safely viewed up close.

She caught some bees that were visiting wildflowers in the wet meadow, including a couple of teeny-tiny ones. (She released them at the end of the day.)

She talked about native bees and answered questions from kids and adults.

(We'll have photos soon, I hope.)

After a potluck supper, we had a brief ceremony, then Abby, Nino and Shane planted serviceberry trees in the palace of nature.

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