Thursday, November 18, 2004

Wet Meadow II Fall 2004 Update

It was a great summer for growing!
Since planting day, we've been hard at work making sure that things go smoothly at the wet meadow. It turns out that we didn't need to work as hard as we might have. It was a mild and wet summer. It got a little dry in the fall, so whe had to pull hoses and rely on the generosity of the neighbors who let us use their water spigots.

When all the plants were in, we worried that the ground was too hard, that the plants would dry out, that they'd be trampled... We were also told that if 40-50% of the plants survived, we should be happy. So we were ready for the worst.

We're here to report this fall that probably over 90% of the plants survived the first growing season! Things couldn't be better!

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